Perimenopause at Work: Navigating Hormones and Workplaces with Grace

Hello there, dear readers! It’s Karen, the director of Karen Blake Coaching. Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s close to my heart and one that many of us in the workplace can relate to: perimenopause. Let’s explore how to navigate this phase in our professional lives with grace and understanding.

Perimenopause Challenges in the Workplace

Perimenopause can be a challenging journey, and here are some scenarios you might relate to in the workplace:

1. Securing Space in the Communal Fridge

Imagine this: You’ve carefully arranged your cooling aids in the office fridge—cold packs, bottled water, and even a mini desk fan. You’ve labelled your territory to ensure your items stay put. But there’s always that one person who fills the communal fridge with their lunch containers and drinks, and it can sometimes make it challenging to secure space for your cooling aids.

In navigating the “office fridge showdown,” consider the following tips:

  • Communicate with your colleagues about your needs for space in the fridge, explaining that it’s related to your perimenopausal journey.
  • Propose solutions, such as creating a designated space in the fridge for cooling aids, to foster a more comfortable workplace environment.

2. Managing Mood Swings During Perimenopause

Perimenopause has a unique way of turning minor irritations into major dramas. One moment, you’re calmly responding to emails, and the next, you’re passionately defending your belief that the office plant is plotting against you. Colleagues quickly learn to give you some space during these mood-swing episodes.

To manage mood swings at work:

  •  Practice mindfulness techniques, like deep breathing or brief meditation, during breaks to help regulate emotions.
  • Consider discussing your perimenopausal experiences with your supervisor, HR, or colleagues you trust, so they understand and can offer support.

navigating perimenopause at work

3. The Emergency Chocolate Stash

You have a hidden supply of emergency chocolate in your desk drawer, which could as well be a sponsorship by a chocolatier. It’s the unsung hero that saves your sanity during those hormonal dips.

Utilise self-care strategies in the workplace:

  • Take short breaks when needed to cool down and re-centre yourself.
  • Incorporate stress-reduction practices like quick walks or desk stretches to enhance well-being.

4. Navigating Cognitive Challenges at Work

When you can’t find the right words during a meeting, you become a linguistic Picasso, crafting sentences that may or may not make sense. Colleagues nod along, too afraid to ask for clarification.

To navigate cognitive challenges at work:

  • Inform your colleagues about your perimenopausal experiences, especially if you’re struggling with memory or concentration.
  • Encourage open communication and patience from co-workers during moments of linguistic creativity.

For a more comprehensive understanding of perimenopause and menopause symptoms, I recommend exploring this informative resource from Menopause Care: Perimenopause and Menopause Symptoms Explained. It offers valuable insights into managing these transitions.

Navigating Perimenopause at Work with Grace

To sum it up, while perimenopause and work might not initially appear to be a perfect match, they can coexist harmoniously with patience, understanding, and a touch of humour. Always remember, you’re not on this journey alone.

Perimenopause at Work Your Comprehensive Guide