Making the Most of Attending a Careers Fair

Careers fairs offer invaluable opportunities to connect with potential employers, gather industry insights, and explore job opportunities. To truly benefit from these events, preparation and strategy are crucial. Here’s your  guide to making the most of attending a careers fair.

1. Preparation is Key

Research Employers: Before attending, research the companies that will be present. Understand their business, available roles, and company culture. This knowledge allows you to tailor your questions and demonstrate genuine interest.

Update Your CV: Ensure your CV is current, concise, and relevant to the roles you seek. Bring multiple copies to distribute to employers.

Prepare Your Pitch: Develop a 30-second elevator pitch highlighting your skills, experience, and career goals. Practice until it feels natural.

“Hello, my name is Sarah Jones. I recently graduated with a degree in Marketing from the University of Manchester. During my studies, I completed an internship at XYZ Company, where I developed strong skills in digital marketing, content creation, and social media management. I’m particularly passionate about creating impactful marketing campaigns that drive engagement and brand loyalty. I’m currently seeking a role in a dynamic company where I can contribute my skills and continue to grow professionally. I’m excited about the opportunities your company offers in the digital marketing space and would love to discuss how I can be an asset to your team.”

2. Dress for Success

First impressions are crucial. Aim for business casual at a minimum to reflect your seriousness about job opportunities and respect for potential employers.

3. Plan Your Day

Prioritise Employers: List the companies you are most interested in and plan to visit them first.

Arrive Early: Early arrival gives you a head start, allowing you to engage with recruiters before the event gets too busy.

4. Engage Effectively

Ask Insightful Questions: Demonstrate your interest and knowledge by asking thoughtful questions about the company’s culture, growth opportunities, and specific roles.

Network with Attendees: Engage with other attendees for insights and potential contacts.

Take Notes: After speaking with recruiters, jot down key points from the conversation to aid in follow-up communications.

5. Follow Up

Send Thank You Emails: Within 24 hours, send personalised thank you emails to recruiters, mentioning specific points from your conversation to reinforce your interest.

Connect on LinkedIn: Follow up with a LinkedIn connection request, including a brief message referencing your interaction at the fair.

6. Reflect and Plan Next Steps

Reflect on your experience after the fair. Assess what went well and what could improve. Use these insights for future career fairs and your job search strategy.

Careers fairs can be pivotal in your job search. With thorough preparation, professional presentation, and strategic follow-up, you can maximise your opportunities and make valuable connections.

Ready to take your career to the next level? Contact Karen Blake Coaching today for expert guidance, we’re here to support your career journey. Whether you need help with your CV, preparing your pitch, or strategising your job search, our tailored coaching services can help you achieve your career goals.
Happy job hunting!

Career Fairs Wales