Karen Blake Coaching

“Get to Know Us: The Story Behind Karen Blake Coaching and What We’re All About”

“Hey there! At Karen Blake Coaching, we’re all about helping you tackle life’s toughest hurdles – whether it’s in your personal, career, or health journey. Trust us, we’ve seen our fair share of obstacles, and guess what? They’re not as daunting as they seem! With a bit of determination and the right support, you can conquer anything that comes your way.

Our Journey: Conquering Challenges

You know what’s funny? We’ve realised that the challenges we face aren’t all that unique. Lots of folks out there are dealing with similar stuff. It’s like a never-ending cycle, right? Sometimes it’s hard to keep pushing forward when it feels like you’re stuck in the same spot. But here’s the thing – every challenge is an opportunity in disguise. It’s all about perspective.

Your Solution: Karen Blake Coaching

That’s where we come in. At Karen Blake Coaching, we’re here to be your guide through life’s twists and turns. Whether you’re struggling with work-life balance or feeling stuck in your career, we’ve got your back. With personalised coachingmentoring, and training, we’ll give you the tools and strategies you need to overcome any obstacle and find true fulfilment.

So, what do you say? Are you ready to embark on this journey with us? Let’s face those challenges head-on and carve out a path to a happier, more balanced life – together.”

Karen Blake MCDI MIEP MInstLM


Our Beliefs & Values

Karen Blake Coaching Ltd is grounded in a set of core beliefs and values that guide our approach:

  • Community Engagement: Actively reaching out to and engaging communities.
  • Respectful Environment: Creating a safe and respectful space for work and learning.
  • Innovation: Encouraging innovation to drive continuous improvement.
  • Quality: Delivering high-quality learning, coaching, and mentoring.
  • Leadership: Providing leadership to foster effective partnerships.
  • Empowerment: Developing and motivating staff to unlock their full potential.

Mission Statement

Our organisation is driven by the mission to make a positive difference in the lives of all our clients through personalised training, coaching, mentoring, and tutoring.

Our Commitment: Transforming Lives

As an independent Career Coaching and Training provider, we’ve been adding value to individual and corporate performance for over four years. Through strategic collaborations with leading private, public, and third-sector organisations, we offer a diverse portfolio of coaching, learning, and development programmes.

Why We Do What We Do

Having witnessed first-hand the roadblocks that hinder career progression and the profound impact on confidence, motivation, and performance, it is our passion to help those who aspire to succeed but feel hindered. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to achieve their goals, which is why Karen Blake Coaching was founded. We provide comprehensive Career Coaching, Mentoring, and Training services to learners from diverse backgrounds and personal circumstances.

Our client group includes:

  • Lone Parents: Struggling to maintain skills while balancing home and childcare responsibilities.
  • Redundant Employees: Uncertain about finding support, lacking CV, job interview, and writing skills after an extended absence from the workforce.
  • School Leavers/NEETs: Apprehensive about choosing the right career path and transitioning into the world of employment.
  • Individuals with Concerns: About traditional classroom environments, hindering personal and professional development.
  • Employees Aspiring to Advance: Lacking confidence in their skills and abilities.
  • Individuals with Long-term Health Conditions: Unsure about fitting into work environments and accessing ongoing professional development.
  • First-line Managers: Hesitant to seek help from senior line managers.
  • Veterans and Early Service Leavers: Seeking to apply their military skills and experiences to civilian jobs and self-employment.

If you find yourself in an unhappy job or career situation, let’s sort it out together. Our dedicated career coaches will work one-on-one with you, helping you face and overcome obstacles. It doesn’t matter at what stage of your career you are; we assist both adults and young people in overcoming a wide range of career-related issues. Whatever professional challenge you’re facing, we can provide you with powerful and effective career advice, guidance, and coaching to propel you forward.

Karen Blake MCDI MIEP MInstLM
Director, Karen Blake Coaching

Ready to Transform Your Career? Let’s Connect!

Discover your potential today!

“Karen Blake Coaching has been an absolute lifeline for me. As a recent graduate entering the competitive job market, I was feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about my career path. However, Karen’s personalised coaching sessions provided me with invaluable guidance and support. With her expertise and encouragement, I was able to identify my strengths, clarify my career goals, and develop a targeted job search strategy. Thanks to Karen Blake Coaching, I landed my dream job and am now thriving in my career. I’m forever grateful for their unwavering support and dedication to my success.”


“I can’t say enough good things about Karen Blake Coaching. As a small business owner, I was struggling to find the balance between growing my business and maintaining a healthy personal life. Karen and her team provided me with invaluable insights and strategies to overcome obstacles and achieve a more harmonious work-life balance. Through their personalised coaching and mentoring, I gained clarity on my priorities, learned effective time management techniques, and experienced a significant improvement in my overall well-being. Karen Blake Coaching truly exceeded my expectations, and I highly recommend their services to anyone seeking guidance and support in their personal or professional journey.”


“Working with Karen Blake Coaching has been a transformative experience for me. As someone navigating a major career transition, I was feeling stuck and uncertain about my next steps. However, Karen’s expertise, empathy, and genuine commitment to my success helped me navigate through my challenges with confidence and clarity. Through her personalised coaching and mentoring, I gained valuable insights into my strengths, passions, and career goals. Karen’s guidance empowered me to take bold action, overcome obstacles, and achieve breakthrough results in my career. I’m incredibly grateful for Karen Blake Coaching’s unwavering support and would highly recommend their services to anyone seeking guidance and transformation in their professional journey.”

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