Why Treating Learners Unequally Might Be the Fairest Way to Assess Them

Personalised Assessment in Education: Why One Size Doesn’t Fit All

When it comes to personalised assessment in education, one thing is clear: fairness doesn’t mean treating everyone the same.

Imagine assessing a fish, a monkey, and a giraffe by asking them all to climb a tree. It’s a ridiculous comparison — yet in education, this kind of standardised approach happens all too often.

Learners bring different strengths, needs, and challenges to the table. If we want to deliver truly inclusive, high-quality education, we must look at how personalised assessment in education can help all learners succeed — without lowering expectations.

1. Flexible Methods Over Fixed Formats

Personalised assessment in education allows learners to demonstrate their knowledge in ways that reflect their strengths. While some excel in written work, others shine in verbal explanations or practical demonstrations.

Example: A learner might provide a video explanation instead of a written response. The outcome remains the same — only the method changes to suit the learner.

Learners collaborating in a group setting to demonstrate knowledge in various formats, such as discussions and visuals.

Learners can demonstrate understanding in different ways — from discussion to written or visual formats.

2. Assistive Technology: A Bridge, Not a Shortcut

Using tools like speech-to-text software or screen readers helps learners focus on what really matters — the content.

When incorporated into personalised assessment in education, assistive tech supports inclusion and removes unnecessary barriers without compromising assessment validity.

A learner using a laptop and digital tools to complete an assessment, with the support of assistive technology

Digital tools and flexible environments support diverse learner needs.

3. Adapt the Environment, Not the Standards

Sometimes, it’s the setting — not the assessment itself — that needs adjusting. Factors like noise, time limits, or presentation of materials can impact learner performance, especially for those with anxiety, sensory sensitivity, or additional learning needs.

Common adjustments might include:

  • Extra time
  • A quiet room
  • Printed materials in preferred fonts or colours
  • Use of a reader or scribe where appropriate

Important: The key is to maintain the assessment standards while personalising how learners access the task.

4. Build Confidence Through Clarity

Assessment can trigger anxiety, particularly when learners are unsure about what’s expected. By explaining assessment criteria clearly and offering pre-assessment discussions, you reduce uncertainty and increase learner confidence.

Personalised assessment in education doesn’t just address needs — it empowers learners to engage fully in the process.

Learners perform better when they understand the criteria, feel supported, and know that adjustments are available if needed.

Learners engaging in a conversation to clarify assessment criteria, reducing anxiety and fostering confidence.

Clarity and communication build trust and reduce anxiety around assessment.

5. Challenge the “Easy Option” Myth

There’s a common misconception that making adaptations is about making things easier. It’s not. Personalisation is about enabling learners to demonstrate their abilities by removing artificial barriers.

For example, allowing a learner with dyslexia to record their thoughts verbally doesn’t make the task easier — it simply shifts the format to one that doesn’t penalise them for their condition.

In reality, making reasonable adjustments:

  • Reduces resubmission rates
  • Improves learner motivation
  • Supports retention and achievement

And ultimately, it leads to better outcomes for both learners and providers.

Final Thoughts: Fairness ≠ Sameness

If your assessments still look exactly the same for every learner, ask yourself:
Are you assessing learning, or are you assessing how well someone fits a mould?

Personalised assessment in education isn’t about lowering standards. It’s about raising the bar for inclusion, confidence, and learner success — and that benefits everyone.

Need Support Delivering Inclusive Assessment?

At Karen Blake Coaching, we help assessors, trainers and education providers deliver high-quality, inclusive learning experiences. Whether you’re working towards your CAVA qualification or developing your team’s CPD, we offer the tools, training, and insight to help you personalise assessment effectively and professionally.

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